It’s very easy to get swept up in the excitement and focus of setting up your own beauty business. But some days, you wake up and you’re already having “one of those days”. For many business owners, running your business isn’t your only job – you might have children or fur babies to look after too. That is why self-care and TLC is just as important for you as it is for your clients.
What’s that, you say? “Not enough time!”, “I’ll do it later!”. As business owners, parents, and friends, you tend to take care of everyone and everything except yourself. But no matter how busy you are, self-care is the best way to combat stress and feeling overworked.
Making time for yourself
Whether you decided to schedule in time for yourself, or do something on a whim, that is entirely up to you. It is all about what works for you and makes you feel happier and calmer. Remember, it doesn’t always have to be something expensive – running a bubble bath, going for a walk, or having a delicious smoothie in the middle of the day are brilliant ways to give yourself a much-needed break.
You will focus much better if you take proper care of yourself, and your business will thank you as well. Redirecting your focus from your clients to yourself from time to time will mean you and your business will thrive. Happy owner = happy business = happy clients!
Getting enough ‘off’ time
Running your own business – and being the boss – makes it harder to switch off. But being available and online (whether on the internet or mentally) can be detrimental to your health, life and business. Switching off to spend time with your loved ones, and getting a good night’s sleep, will make all the difference to your sense of wellbeing. It is recommended to get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Many beauty business owners set hours for when they work, in the same way a standard job would. So at 8pm when a message comes through, they can give themselves permission to respond in the morning. It’s all about creating healthy routines!
So remember…
It’s too easy to put others before yourself, especially when the success of your business relies solely on you. But that is exactly why self-care is so important for self-employed beauty business owners. If you take a few uninterrupted minutes out of your day, just for YOU, your business will thank you.
Check out our top tips for marketing your beauty business here!